22 October, 2011

Bacteria, yeast and sweet tea use now in quality … fabrics

How you think, whether it is possible to sew clothes from the bacteria, the sweetened tea and yeast? And here at School of a fashion and textiles of the Central college of art and design of Sacred Martin (Great Britain) it already do! For this purpose only it is necessary to dry up received as a result of fermentation of the above-stated components bacterial cellulose, to show a little design sharpness, and … voila! Masterpiece Bio-Couture is ready! – shares Wired.

The first has guessed to borrow bacterial cellulose from medicine (namely there for the first time began to apply a similar material to acceleration of process of healing of wounds) Whether designer Sjuzen.
The production technology of clothes developed to it from a new material consists in the following: the liquid solution from the yeast, the sweetened tea and bacteria then within two-three weeks on a liquid surface some layers of the pure cellulose reminding "a tea" mushroom are formed in the beginning becomes. In further it in a damp kind spread on a dummy, giving the three-dimensional form. Besides as well as on any other fabric here it is possible to do seams that also gives open space for design experiments.
To paint bacterial cellulose, for example, in indigo colour, it is enough to add dye in an initial solution. We will notice that similar procedure with a cotton fabric demands ten stages.
Essential lack of clothes Bio-Couture is that in it is not recommended to walk in the rain, differently you risk to remain in neglige as it has property to become limp and as result, to creep away on seams.

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