22 October, 2011

«Optolyuks-Е27» - the Russian light-emitting diode lamp from winter depression

The Russian light-emitting diode lamp of "Optoljuks-E27"

In the winter even cows on a dairy farm are depressed. Still, all the day to chew straw at dim, yellowish light of a bulb of Ilyich. To Someone even has come to mind to treat their TV. But we know that from winter melancholy a TV set will not rescue, and in often autumn because of shortage of a daylight we start to long.

Light-emitting diode lamps of a full light spectrum which according to researchers from the Viennese medical university help to develop endorphins in a dark cold season can become replacement to the sun and a sun deck in our widths. Scientists have described the mechanism of action of treatment by light and recommended to include such lamps at least for 40 minutes after sunset.

The lamp of "Optoljuks-E27" at a continuous luminescence will serve 6 years, at use of an order of 3-4 hours per day - 46 years.

Recently on sale there were light-emitting diode lamps of warm this world from the Russian manufacturer. The nice design was made by Lebedev's studio Artemija, and over technical decisions the group of pupils of Jores Alfyorov of company "Optogan" worked. The lamp shines 50 000 hours, does not contain harmful substances, does not flicker and creates comfortable healthy illumination which helps to worry our long osenne-winter season.

The light-emitting diode lamp of "Optoljuks-E27" does not contain some glass and dangerous substances, such as mercury and lead.

The lamp is shock-resistant and consumes only 11 watt of energy against habitual 60. Considering that at continuous work term of life of Optoljuks of 6 years, the owner of a thingummy will fine save not only on new lamps, but also on payment of utilities. Light-emitting diode purchase is in all senses of the investment into the future: such light sources highly influence elasticity of fabrics of a skin and promote updating of its cages, interfering with ageing.

The recommended retail price of "Optoljuks-E27" - 995 rivers the Guarantee from the manufacturer – 3 years.

Designer Timur Burbaev has left Optoljuks classical «lampochkovye» forms that it without problems was twisted in any cartridge and a plafond. Similarity to a lamp nakalivanija, nevertheless, the imaginary: the case of this lamp consists from matte rasseivatelja and radiatornoj  lattices of thin aluminium petals with a pattern. According to founders, in their creation the natural organic chemistry and high technologies incorporates.

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