20 November, 2011

To charge an electromobile for 30 minutes

Nissan LEAF electromobile

One of lacks of electromobiles is that fact that they should be charged very long. This business not one and at all two hours. At times on gymnastics of such car leaves till twelve o'clock. But recently Nissan autoconcern has presented electromobile LEAF, 80 which % of the accumulator are charged for 30 minutes.

Nissan LEAF electromobile

Electromobiles, of course, win against usual cars in ecological compatibility, but lose to them in speed of refuelling and range of trips. If the usual shop with an internal combustion engine refuels for few seconds on electromobile refuelling leaves till ten o'clock. And pass on this charge it can one hundred kilometres. It is convenient, in a city mode when you since morning go for work, with a fan come back home, and at night you of penalties refuels energy. But for distant trips such car is unsuitable.

Nissan LEAF electromobile

But Nissan LEAF («leaf» from English – "sheet", a hint on ecological compatibility), on an idea of its founders, should change these realities. After all capacity of its litievo-ionic accumulators should suffice on 160 kilometres of a way, and to be charged on 80 % these accumulators should in any 30 minutes. Agree, it where is better, than standard for other electromobiles of 4-12 hours.

Nissan LEAF electromobile

It turns out that on such electromobile it is quite possible to travel even on a long distance. After all 30 minutes are time of a slow dinner. You have dinner, the car is charged by an electricity.

Nissan LEAF electromobile

Initially Nissan planned to sell this electromobile only in Japan and the United States Americas. But it was soon corrected, and has promised to make happy LEAF’ом and Europe. Probably, have understood that we ecology have less problem.

1 comment:

  1. I believe that there will be much shorter times of charging in the future. There might even be charging without cable (inductive charging – I just read about it here: http://www.usa.siemens.com/electromobility/electromobility.html?tab=Charging-stations). Anyway, the future of electromobility will be fascinating :)
