22 October, 2011

Nissan will charge accumulators of electromobiles for 10 minutes

Nissan will charge accumulators of electromobiles for 10 minutes

One of serious minuses of modern electromobiles is long time of gymnastics of their accumulators, even is close not comparable in due course tank fillings on autorefuellings. But Nissan company in this plan creates positive miracles! One of these days she has declared creation of the technologies, allowing to charge accumulators for … 10 minutes!
Not so long ago we told to you about concept a single electromobile of Volkswagen Nils which accumulators will refuel completely all for two hours. It, of course, is not enough, in comparison with other cars for this purpose it is required which six-eight hours, but does not hold out to Nissan LEAF electromobiles. It is necessary all half an hour to fill with it energy accumulators for 80 percent.
But Nissan company does not stop on the reached! One of these days she has declared the new technology developed together with Kansai University. And this technology will allow to charge accumulators of cars of all for 10 minutes! Simply improbable indicator!
As it became known, such rapid gymnastics can achieve at the expense of change of materials of which electrodes of the condenser in the charger are made. Now they will be made from oxide vanadium and oxide tungsten that will allow to increase considerably capacity of devices and, hence, speed of gymnastics of accumulators of cars.
As inform in Nissan company, by means of these chargers it will be possible to charge cars of Nissan Leaf and Mitsubishi iMiEV, the most known and widespread models of electromobiles presently.
It is necessary to tell that 10 minutes necessary for gymnastics of accumulators (it is not known, truth, whether will be it gymnastics for 100 percent, or, as before, on 80) is present break both at level of technologies, and in the market of electromobiles! After all at last time of gymnastics of batteries becomes more or less comparable in due course fillings of petrol tanks of cars! So, if new technologies from Nissan well will recommend themselves, it is necessary to expect huge and fast growth популярностей cars on electric motors!

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